We offer international shipping services to customers around the globe. Our goal is to provide you with the best shipping options available.
To place an order, simply visit our website at subtleficne.top and choose the items you wish to buy. Our dedicated team will work hard to verify and fulfill your order as quickly as possible.
– Processing Time:
Upon placing your order, a confirmation email will be sent before we begin the shipping process. Please allow 3-5 business days for us to prepare and process your order.
– Shipping Method:
For shipping, we utilize the USPS First Class Package service.
– Delivery Time:
After processing is complete, your package will be handed over to the shipping service for delivery to your designated address. Generally, you can expect your order to arrive within 7-15 business days, depending on your location. If your delivery takes longer than expected, we appreciate your patience, as factors such as weather, shipping delays, holidays, or pandemic-related issues may affect transit times.
Our commitment is to keep shipping costs affordable for all customers. All items will be shipped from our local warehouse.
For any additional questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Your attention is greatly appreciated, and we wish you a wonderful shopping experience with us!